"During her election campaign, the new Italian premier released a rape video implying that the asylum seekers are criminals who want to replace white Christians. Ironically, Meloni's father is a notorious drug trafficker / convicted criminal who has served a sentence. in a Spanish prison ".

A tweet from Rula Jebreal triggers controversy.
In the first place it angers the directly concerned Giorgia Meloni , who threatens lawsuits: her father (of Sardinian origins) has been dead for some time and Jebreal has exploited "a painful story", as well as having attributed "very serious statements and political positions" to her.

"Everyone knows that my father left when I was just over a year old - writes Meloni on Facebook -. Everyone knows that I chose not to see him again at the age of eleven. Everyone knows that I have never had contact with him again until to his death . But it matters little, if the 'do-gooders' can pass like a steam roller on the life of the 'monster'. Evidently among the many things that do not apply to me there is also the saying children '. Mrs. Jebreal I hope you will be able to explain to the judge when and where I would have made the declaration that you attribute to me. " The journalist replies in turn: "The new Italian Prime Minister Meloni threatens to sue me for my tweet on the 'great replacement' plot. All autocrats use these threats to intimidate and silence those who call them into question and expose them. . Mrs. Meloni: I'm not intimidated! ".

The hashtag #RulaJebreal becomes trending and many of Meloni's political opponents stand up for him. "Rula this is baseness. You don't do politics like that, much less journalism. Delete this tweet which among other things has the only effect of bringing even more people to support FdI", is the invitation of Carlo Calenda , leader of Action. Shortly after, Giuseppe Conte also arrives: "This is mud on Giorgia Meloni. Me, Meloni and the Brothers of Italy, with the M5S I fight them in all locations, but on a political level. daughter - who was abandoned by the parent, without having more relationships - the crimes and errors of the father ".

Matteo Salvini adds to the controversy: "Whoever makes a political battle by attacking not the opponent, but mum, dad, children ... is a little man. Or a little woman".

(Unioneonline / D)

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