The Progressives towards returning to the coalition that supports Alessandra Todde's candidacy for the presidency of the Region. The official announcement could come after the board meeting called for this evening.

The party headed by Massimo Zedda and Francesco Agus in the Regional Council (with Luciano Uras as a reference and Francesca Ghirra in Parliament) had abandoned the broad field when in November this piece of the centre-left had focused on Todde, on the basis of the agreement between the Democratic Party and M5s. Since then there had been a turn towards Renato Soru and his "gentle revolution", certified by the presence of the most important exponents at the convention in Palazzo Doglio, in Cagliari.

There was never any talk of an official breakup. On the contrary. If on the one hand the Progressives have put a law on the table which would require the passage of primaries for the choice of candidate, on the other they have never interrupted the dialogue to arrive at the recomposition of a centre-left which, otherwise, would appear fragmented on 25 February , opening day of the polls.

In recent days a summit meeting would have been held, where an agreement would have been reached: Progressives in the broad camp (even if not everyone in the party agrees, especially outside the Cagliari area) and support from the center-left for Massimo Zedda in case of candidacy for mayor of Cagliari (voting in June 2024), for which the former mayor has given his availability.

Rumors, for now. Which none of the protagonists of the negotiations confirms.

The regional coordinator of the M5s, Ettore Licheri, limits himself to saying that in the broad field we are working to mend things: «There are discussions that have never been interrupted, there is a common feeling and the need to all get together», he explained, "there is an ethical and moral duty to understand that the progressive front must get together if it wants to tear this island away from five years of non-government."

Alessandra Todde herself, at the presentation of the new civic list that supports her, launched an appeal «which is also a hope. The Progressives were among the political forces that were most vocal in their opposition to the Solinas Council", Todde replied to journalists, "they actively participated in the coalition table, the issues unite us, the requests we are pursuing unite us".

Francesco Agus does not go too far, but takes his time: «The lists will be presented on January 22nd», he replies when pressed by journalists, «we have been reiterating for months that it is essential to use all the time available to recompose a progressive and democratic coalition which in recent months has inexplicably it split."

In the meantime, Soru would continue on his path. Perhaps with even greater determination.

Enrico Fresu

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