Attilio Fontana reconfirmed governor of Lombardy.

The centre-right candidate obtained more than 50%, ahead of the centre-left candidate Pierfrancesco Majorino and Letizia Moratti, supported by the Third Pole.

In Lazio, an absolute majority for Francesco Rocca, another centre-right candidate, ahead of Alessio D'Amato and Donatella Bianchi, candidate of the Movimento 5 Stelle.

Sharp drop in turnout in both regions, where 41% of eligible voters went to the polls.

"Congratulations to Francesco Rocca and Attilio Fontana for the clear victory of these regional elections, sure that both will give their best to honor the vote and the mandate received by the citizens of Lazio and Lombardy," Giorgia Meloni wrote on Facebook. "An important and significant result - adds the premier and leader of the Brothers of Italy - which consolidates the compactness of the center-right and strengthens the work of the Government".

Among the first to comment on the electoral result, Matteo Salvini: «Vittoria. Thank you Lombardy. Thank you Lazio », the post on social media from the secretary of the League and Minister of Transport.

And also the minister Antonio Tajani (Forza Italia) speaks of «the success of the centre-right, very consistent in Lazio but also in Lombardy. It is a vote of confidence in the centre-right government, so we are satisfied», adds Tajani.


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