An informal meeting, at the headquarters of the Public Works, took place this morning in the presence of the councilor Aldo Salaris, and the participation of the Universities of Cagliari and Sassari and the Association of Builders, Ance.

The aim was to fine-tune the more technical aspects of the regional price list, a fundamental tool to support contracting authorities and operators in the sector for quantifying the costs of public works interventions.

The Department is engaged in the adjustment of existing prices, in the analysis of the new items and the most impacting ones for the works concerning the 110% bonus.

"We are working in concert with all those involved in order to update the regional price list as early as January-February - said Salaris - During these months we have started an important monitoring with the producers of the raw materials and we have already identified the materials more sensitive, that is, those that the market requires at the moment. We are facing - he continued - a delicate historical phase because we are faced with a dizzying increase in the prices of some materials: we want and must accelerate, insert those items we do not have and find common criteria that allow us to arrive as soon as possible at the drafting of the regional price list consistent with the regulations in force ".

On the sidelines of the meeting, Ance delivered a supplementary proposal to the regional price list for the inclusion of new items. The councilor has ensured their availability for their insertion after an accurate evaluation.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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