The six permanent commissions of the Regional Council took office this morning and elected their respective presidential offices.

The assembly is therefore officially operational, two and a half months after the consultations of 25 February which elected Alessandra Todde president of the Region.

Below are the names of presidents and vice presidents of the "parliamentaries":

  • First commission (Autonomy and reforms): president Salvatore Corrias (Pd), vice president Giuseppe Fasolino (Reformers)
  • Second commission (Work and Culture and Professional Training): president Camilla Soru (Pd) and vice president Maria Francesca Masala (Fdi)
  • Third commission (Planning and Budget): president Alessandro Solinas (M5s) and vice-president Giuseppe Talanas (Forza Italia)
  • Fourth commission (Government of the Territory): president Roberto Li Gioi (M5s) and vice president Franco Mula (Alleanza Sardegna -Pli)
  • Fifth commission (Productive Activities): president Antonio Solinas (Pd) and vice-president Emanuele Cera (FdI)
  • Sixth commission (Health): president Carla Fundoni (Pd) and vice-president Alice Aroni (Mixed)


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