The regional councilor for agriculture, Valeria Satta, met a delegation of shepherds to discuss the measures of the CAP, the common agricultural policy, and the rural development programme.

«Politics - said the exponent of the Giunta Solinas - must take responsibility for defending one's own territory, it is a duty for those who do this job. The interests of Sardinia must be represented with the utmost strength, we await shortly the convening of a national table at the Ministry of Agriculture».

At yesterday's summit representatives of the agro-pastoral and livestock supply chain were present, coming from Armungia, Arzana, Bitti, Bolotana, Buddusò, Ozieri, Ollolai, Pattada and Silanus, who highlighted Sardinia's disadvantage in the distribution of resources at national and European.

«The problem – explained the councilor – was the distribution of resources by the State with the new programming, which did not compensate for the losses for those regions that passed into the status of disadvantaged regions, such as Sardinia. For this reason, the Region proceeded autonomously with an amendment by the Giunta approved in the Budget Law, with which 23 million a year were allocated for the five-year period precisely in order to compensate for the losses on the Community programming (PAC) 2023-2027".

«It was a table of discussion - concluded Satta -, intended to allow the farmers to submit their perplexities to us, and for us, to have valuable information from them, useful for asserting the island's requests in the national technical tables. Numerous interlocutions have followed with the Government which is always very sensitive to our requests. Soon - he added - together with some representatives of the category, and the technicians of the Management, we will see how to use the 23 million euros requested in the budget for the 2024 programming".


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