Employment in Sardinia is heading towards absolute record numbers, and is preparing for an unprecedented tourist season.

Companies are on the hunt for new employees in order to better manage the imminent increase in the workload.

The record-breaking figures come from the Infocamere report, elaborated on the requests that the companies themselves forward to the local job centres. The survey shows that until June the Island will be looking for almost 67,000 workers to be placed in the most varied sectors, 27% more than last year.

«The holiday industry is proving to be a fundamental sector for the island's economy as never before», explains Stefano Visconti , regional president of Unioncamere. "A train which, we have been repeating for years, is worth much more than the 16% of the regional GDP which in theory they attribute to it every year". This is because the tourist entertainment machine in Sardinia drives a huge induced that goes from business services, to catering, through transport, construction, commerce and crafts.

The north of the island is dominating, trying to recruit almost half of the staff (7,320 employees), also thanks to the high concentration of tourist structures in Gallura. The Cagliari area follows at a distance with 5,980 potential hires, the Nuorese (1,310) and finally the Oristano (900).

Luca Mascia

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