A prestigious visit yesterday to the central editorial office of L'Unione Sarda. Claudio Ranieri arrived punctually at 6 pm and got to know all the editorial realities of the group. He immediately focused on the hot topics related to his team: "We'll try against the Cittadella".

On promotion speeches: «We should reach 68 points, the path is difficult, I won't promise anything but we will try. I'm here to build and of course, I'd like to do it in Serie A».

The visit to the editorial staff – Video:

Ranieri also met the general manager of the Lia Serreli Group, the journalists of Videolina and Radiolina, and greeted with a warm hug Ivan Paone, director of Unionesarda.it, one of the few reporters still on duty from the golden years of the rossoblù ride from Serie C to A.

Today, on the paper edition on newsstands, there is an exclusive interview with the director of the newspaper Emanuele Dessì.

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