«The team is doing well mentally. Of course, none of us are happy with the ranking. But seeing them in training is a spectacle because of how much they push. So, I motivate them and they motivate me." From the press room of the Asseminello Club House, on the day of his seventy-second birthday, Claudio Ranieri launches the challenge to Salernitana.

Not a match like the others, but not even decisive. «I know that I will have to fight until the last day», the Cagliari coach almost puts his hands forward, «and I hope to save this team. We will never give up." And the affection of the people, including many of his former players, is an additional incentive. «Affection is good, especially in a difficult moment. Because this, it is undeniable, is a difficult time. At a certain age, defeats weigh more."

While waiting for Nandez, all the internationals, except Hatzidiakos, are capable and eligible for recruitment. «Luvumbo is fine, Mancosu is finally training continuously. Today Lapadula also did the entire training session with the group and could ask to leave for Salerno to be with the team, even if he won't be able to play." For such an important challenge, everyone's support is needed, both technical and moral. Also because Cagliari knows that they will find a particularly warm environment on Sunday at the Arechi stadium, as well as a fierce team. «In some respects it is beautiful and stimulating to play in such warm places. The biggest unknown, if anything, is the way Salernitana will play given that Inzaghi started fourteen days ago."

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