The resources assigned to Sardinia by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, drawn up by Italy to access the "Next Generation EU" European funds, amount to 1 billion and 320 million euros.

Money that will be used to restore the railway, water and energy networks and also to the digitization of public administrations.

In fact, the Region is relying on Pnrr funds above all to modernize transport infrastructures and services for citizens and to bridge the gap with the rest of the peninsula. But even individual Municipalities, institutions, schools and universities count on being able to take advantage of resources to carry out their development and modernization projects.

Based on the open data provided by Open Cup, the platform of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers which periodically releases updated tables on the projects presented by the individual entities, there are over 4,370 in total to be implemented on the island , with funds approaching a total of 6 billion euros.

The largest part of the funds managed by the Region is under the chapter "Infrastructures for sustainable mobility", with funding that amounts to a total of 548.7 million euros and of these, the majority, i.e. 368.5 million, is destined investments to increase the speed of trains and the railway network, which will be electrified.

This will be followed by 366.95 million for the chapter of the "Green Revolution and the ecological transition", with 200 million for the water system and the mitigation of hydrogeological risk.

Then there are 140 million euros earmarked for the health sector, 118.3 for education and research, especially as regards the plan for nursery schools and kindergartens.

Again: 90 million are intended for employment policies and 56 are divided between digitalisation, innovation and safety.

As mentioned, the regional initiative interventions are joined by those advanced by the Municipalities and other bodies such as schools and universities.

Over half of the interventions on the Pnrr were presented by the Municipalities, almost all for digitization. The data shows that the area that has requested the most funding is the province of Sassari (with Gallura) with about 1,200 projects presented, followed by Southern Sardinia, the metropolitan city of Cagliari, and then Nuoro and Oristano.

About 650 projects have been submitted by schools, from primary to high school.

Among the most substantial figures, in a single project, there are over 500 million to Infratel for the modernization of the networks up to one gigabit per second in many centers of the island, and about 200 million each for a dozen administrations which will serve to increase the capacity of electricity grids and the generation of energy from renewable sources.


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