Tonight from 9 pm, on Videolina, the last episode of "Radar, special elections" will be broadcast before the vote on 25 September. Emanuele Dessì, director of the newspapers of the editorial group L'Unione Sarda, will open an interview with Nicola Fratoianni, secretary of the Italian Left, on the pitch with the Green Left Alliance. Following the speeches Maurizio Gasparri (Forza Italia), Maurizio Lupi, president of Noi con l'Italia, Noi moderati list, and again by Giulio Tremonti, candidate with Fratelli d'Italia.

The guests

"Radar" in recent weeks has hosted a Sardinian representative of every political force (party or movement) in the race for the renewal of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. Space on Videolina also to some national leaders, such as Enrico Letta (secretary of the Democratic Party ), Gianluigi Paragone (founder of Italexit), Giuseppe Conte (president of Movimento 5 Stelle) and Luigi Di Maio (political head of Civic Commitment). Tonight's interviews will focus on the hottest topics of the election campaign, starting with the expensive bill and inflation, which are putting families and businesses to a severe test.It will also be an opportunity to get to know the proposals of the parties for young people and for work, in a scenario increasingly conditioned by the war unleashed by Russia in Ukraine.

The analysis

Emanuele Dessì will analyze the electoral campaign, also in a "Sardinian key", in the multimedia study in Piazza L'Unione Sarda, with Simona De Francisci, the co-director of the Videolina newscast, and with the editor-in-chief of the Sardinian Union, Giulio Zasso, in charge of the pages daily politics. In a report, the synthesis of the Sardinian stages of Matteo Salvini, Giorgia Meloni, Enrico Letta, Gianluigi Paragone and Roberto Fico.

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