"Dear Union,

the fuss of anecdotes, false information, opinions (in reality often prejudices and interested manipulations) surrounding the Puigdemont affair hides a simple and important reality: the more than deficient democratic quality of Spanish institutions and legality.

A state that is the heir not of the legitimate republic annihilated by Franco's fascist coup, but of the regime that the dictator established and maintained until his death: the monarchy, the army, the judicial system, with special courts for political crimes and opinion, the Guardia Civil (which accumulates thousands of torture complaints), widespread corruption and the most speculative ruling class on the continent.

A reality that directly challenges all countries and European society, confronted once again with the choice between maintaining this club of states and corporations that is the EU and creating a real space for common citizenship, based on scrupulous respect for basic civil, political and human rights.

Puigdemont - not voted by me - is the president elected by a majority of Catalans and as a European deputy he obtained a million preferences (Borrell, current foreign minister of the Commission, obtained 600,000). The 'crimes' for which he is prosecuted by the Spanish state are purely political and the legacy of a Francoist repressive culture.

The respect of his immunity by the Italian courts is therefore a duty and should not be questioned by any democratic spirit ".

Rolando d'Alessandro - Barcelona


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