"Sardinia can become the leading region of the consumption electrification project," says Francesco Venturini, CEO of Enel X, citing one of the pillars of the energy transition, which is based on the progressive use of electricity from renewable sources in services and activities - such as transport, space heating and industrial production - until now mainly fueled by fossil fuels. The bases of this potential primacy, however, are not a reason to be proud: they rest, instead, on one of the historical delays of the island, namely the gap on the methane front. Natural gas has been a mirage for decades (and in part it still is), so we had to adapt. To heat the water in homes, we use the electric water heater more than boilers and this preference comes to light in one datum: here 28% of total energy consumption refers to electricity, compared to 21% of the Italian average.

The real issue lies in production: according to data released by Enel X, 75% of the electricity circulating in the Sardinian networks comes from fossil sources (coal, oil) and only 25% from renewables. "The island is not adequately exploiting the possibilities offered by today's market," explains Venturini, visiting the editorial office of the Unione Sarda. How to increase the share of renewables? Certainly not with off-shore wind power or with the invasion of panels in the countryside. If anything, with the installation of photovoltaic systems on the roofs of buildings, villas, warehouses, schools and offices. Organizing and then optimizing the consumption of electricity produced with the energy communities, that is the instrument on which the EU aims to multiply the diffusion of clean energy. Individual citizens, condominiums, groups of companies and municipalities can install the panels and create small networks for "zero kilometer" consumption. "It is an aggregation of plants and final consumers who must be in close proximity to each other."

What is the maximum distance?

There are two constraints. The first is that of the primary high voltage substation: there are 70 of them all over the island and they have a range of 20 kilometers. The second stake concerns the plants: they cannot be greater than one megawatt, a power that in any case is able to meet the needs of 50 small or medium-sized companies ".

What are the benefits of energy communities?

«The electricity from photovoltaic systems has two sources of income. Production is remunerated at market prices, which are currently high. Then, if that energy is consumed "virtually" by members of the Community in the same hours in which it is produced, you receive an incentive that is added to the sale ».

And who pockets this money?

“Each Community has its own regulation which redistributes revenues. It can remunerate the investor who built the photovoltaic system, the manager and the members who have made their consumption available. That is, companies, public administrations, citizens, even those who have not provided space for the panels ».

How much can you save?

«Up to 15% of the total amount of the bill. But there are other benefits as well. In addition to the economic and environmental aspect, there is the social one ».

Explain yourself better.

«By involving public administrations, the roofs of buildings can be exploited. I am thinking of schools: during the summer they are closed and therefore do not consume the energy produced by the panels: the benefits can be allocated to the poorest sections of the population ».

This is a choice that is up to politics.

"Yes, but there are already similar cases and they are working."

What are the costs of energy communities?

«Registration does not involve expenses, but there is a management charge, which is always lower than the guaranteed benefit. When I speak of 15% savings on bills, I also understand these costs ».

Electric cars are not yet widespread. Perhaps because there are still few charging stations?

«On the island there are 400 systems already installed: compared to the number of electric cars in circulation, they are a tide. We have recently won a regional tender: we will carry out another 500. But the real turning point will come when they spread among individuals and companies ».


«I am thinking of restaurants or hotels: they can install the charging stations and sell the recharging service, or if they want to, they can provide it for free to their customers. An interesting business area is developing around these issues ».

Industrial production needs stable and safe energy: it does not seem a requirement compatible with renewables.

"We are working on the conversion of various industrial processes, which will abandon the use of hydrocarbons".

An example?

«The dairies. They usually use diesel to heat the milk at the time of pasteurization. This process can be guaranteed by heat pump systems. The savings in economic terms can reach 20%, especially if the energy is generated by photovoltaic panels ».

The future is green hydrogen.

«Here in Sardinia we are supporting some companies in the ceramic sector, which need high temperatures for their processing. Instead of fossil fuels they will burn hydrogen produced with electrolysers. Conversion is necessary if you aim for sustainability. A company of this type can avoid introducing 5 thousand tons of Co2 into the environment per year ".

Off-shore wind: the sea of the island is likely to be scarred by hundreds of blades.

“These are plants that need large concrete foundations to function well, or floating platforms, which are less stable, however. These are complicated investments, which we do not consider economically sustainable. It is no coincidence that they are done in the North Sea, where the water depth is much lower than in the Mediterranean and the wind is constant: your mistral blows are not enough to move 150 meters blades ».

Michele Ruffi

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