On January 27, an exhibition will be inaugurated at the museum in via Colletta di Sinnai on the works of the so-called "Perra collection", paintings and other works of art donated by the priest to the Municipality.

The artistic collection, which arrived in Sinnai as a bequest, favored the creation of the civic museum as an art gallery during the 1980s.
The first set-up, following the works for the construction of the socio-cultural center and library in the premises in via Colletta, was curated by Professor Renata Serra.

The exhibition offers a different reading, following the results of an initial analysis of the collection, aimed at reconstructing the history of the works and restoring the taste and sensitivity of a collector, Cesare Perra, during the 20th century .

The exhibition will be open to visitors until March 17, 2024 .

«The artistic heritage of the picture gallery - we read in a note from the Civic Museum of Sinnai - is the result of the bequest that Canon Cesare Perra made to the Municipality of Sinnai upon his death in 1979. It is a heterogeneous group of works in which the main nucleus is made up of twentieth-century island artists who expressed themselves through different techniques and mediums: painting, drawing and engraving. There are also a group of works of sacred art, dating from the 17th to the 19th century, among which the "Lamentation" attributed to Pantaleone Calvo and the "Angelic Hierarchies" signed by Francesco Massa are worthy of note".

«The drawing technique - the note concludes - is represented in the collection by interesting artists such as Rita Thermes (Madrid, 1923 – Madrid, 2008) with two sketches for the Via Crucis of the Sacred Heart of Quartu Sant'Elena (post 1959) and Enzo Loy with the caricature of Monsignor Puxeddu (1933), a worthy citizen of Sinna".

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