"Dear Union,

a few days ago, as expected by booking, I went to the hospital in Sardinia to make a visit in intramoenia.

My wife and I were in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to call me. After a few minutes the doctor calls me, my wife kindly asked if she could come in too to help me explain about the visits I had done previously.

At this point the doctor, instead of answering yes or no, began to rude against my wife in a very rude and offensive way, among other things 'calling her you'.

After a while, always with the face of someone who wants to quarrel, he lets me into his surgery and makes me undress and lie down on the bed. At this point he comes out of the surgery and turning to my wife who had remained in the corridor he says: 'Come and see how I put ... your husband? ”. Repeated several times. Then turning to me he said: 'What do you have to do you have to cure your brain?'. This sentence too he repeated several times.

I never expected to find myself in such an absurd situation so in order not to exasperate the situation I got up from the bed and turned to the doctor I just said that I would not have had such a person operated on. As I was leaving he kept insulting me and addressed these words to me: 'I'll take off my jacket and let's go down', even threatening to want to fight.

I am writing because I was humiliated and mortified by such behavior: I thought he was drunk, and if he was not it would be even more unjustified such uncivilized behavior.

My hope is that this report will serve to prevent other patients from finding themselves in the same and unpleasant situation ".

Signed letter *

(* details, to the knowledge of the editorial staff, are omitted in respect of privacy and in accordance with current legislation)


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