An evening at the theater. It's not just any evening. It's March 8th and a truly choral show is being staged (“If I say no it's no”). Many contributions, voices and testimonies for women and against gender violence. An idea by the journalist of L'Unione Sarda Maria Francesca Chiappe, the artist Ambra Pintore and the lawyer Claudia Rabellino, on the stage, with the power of words, in Cagliari, at the Conservatory Auditorium (sold out audience) .

The musicians who accompany Ambra Pintore in her artistic projects, Roberto Scala, Federico Valenti and Diego Milia, the talents of the Conservatory, Virginia Pishbin, doctor and activist of Iranian origin, who defends the (violated) rights of women and men from his country, and Silvana Maniscalco, president of the Donna Ceteris association. And then Lucido Sottile, Michela Sale Musio and Tiziana Troia, and Massimiliano Medda who brought smiles with their comic face but also food for thought.

All this to express the need for a change which must be a collective impulse. A concrete act, not a simple and formal wish, towards a more balanced society that respects the rights of women and all people who are victims of abuse and violence in their world. It is a fact of humanity and civilization.

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