Filling the principle of insularity with content would be easier if the next minister for the South were Sardinian. "I hope that's the way it is, for his direction would pass the interventions to fill the infrastructural gap that the island is suffering from," explains Pietro Pittalis, 64-year-old deputy from Nuoro from Forza Italia in the running as leader to the proportional for a second term. In this way, he recalls, "the optimal conditions would be created to achieve a series of objectives such as bringing the railway to Nuoro".

That government role could be held by his colleague Ugo Cappellacci.

«President Berlusconi was clear: for the policies for the South Fi he will indicate a Sardinian. If it was Cappellacci I will be happy. It falls within his competence and as a former president of the Region he knows the Sardinia system well, he has also worked with me to involve the mayors, create a link with the various ministries and raise awareness of the great opportunities offered by the PNRR and the establishment of the Zes. All this is the sign of President Berlusconi's special attention for the island ».

How are interventions such as the restoration of the railway in Nuoro financed?

"In particular, by leveraging the structural funds of the Community framework of European support, considering that Sardinia is part of Objective 1. I remember that the most important road works on the island are possible thanks to Community funds".

How do you overcome the high-bill emergency?

“These days the government is taking action to alleviate the burden on families and businesses, but it is necessary to take medium and long-term initiatives. All of this can only be done through price control decided by agreed European policies. For us, the no policy must end: we say yes to renewables, regasifiers and waste-to-energy plants, but all in respect of the environment that passes through an agreement with the municipalities concerned. For example, I welcome the decision to block wind farms in the stretches of coast in front of tourist resorts ».

Another hot topic for its territory is health.

«I have participated in all the street demonstrations. I am on the side of the citizens because it is not permissible for a cardiological examination to take months, just as it is inconceivable that departments are unmanned. I don't like the rebound of responsibility, the truth is that there are issues at a national level: limited numbers in medicine, scholarships for postgraduates and too much restricted health care costs ».

The Solinas Executive has made a reform. Does it help?

«The Giunta has restored competence to the territories with the establishment of the ASL, but the reform is incomplete: it is still necessary to transfer resources and managerial and organizational skills. So I invite the council to approve the company documents ».

Why are corporate documents still missing?

«I don't understand the reasons. And if there is a political responsibility, take the necessary measures. We do not gamble on the health of citizens ».

He was regional councilor for several legislatures. What do you think of the current Assembly?

«I do not judge the work of the councilors, but net of this we need to revise the rules of the Assembly so as to make it more productive. We also need greater coordination between the forces of the center right ».

Forza Italia how are you? Do you feel the backlash of the farewells of Carfagna and Gelmini?

“He is in excellent health. Many voters have approached, we also express two councilors who are the best of the Sardinian government team. On the farewells, the choice of those who were most gratified by the party is incomprehensible. This happens on a national but also a regional level. Indeed, I am wary of imitations of Forza Italia which electorally represent a percentage close to the telephone area code ».

She does not run in her college in Nuoro, but is the leader in the proportional one. Sorry?

«The college includes all of Sardinia, so it is a great burden. But it is also an honor because I am leaders and I represent a large popular party like Forza Italia ».

The circle on his candidacy closed late. Because?

"The center-right has worked a lot on the program shared by the Fdi, Lega and Fi and only after the issue of nominations has been addressed, moreover the weight of each party has greatly influenced the distribution of the constituencies".

It seemed destined to become a member of the CSM.

“It was one of the hypotheses that President Berlusconi had foreseen. The interruption of the legislature required another direct commitment from me. But, as they say, never say never ».

In the Justice Committee you have approved the opinions on the decrees for the changes envisaged by the Cartabia. The objectives in the next parliamentary term?

“We must resume with the reforms on the separation of careers, on the non-challenge of acquittal sentences at first instance, on the revision of the prescription, in compliance with the presumption of innocence and the duration of the trial. Then there is the issue of the civil liability of magistrates ».

How can the economic system of Sardinia and Italy restart?

“With the fight against tax oppression on businesses and families, and against bureaucratic and judicial oppression. We want to introduce the flat tax, but also revise the citizenship income which must become a purely welfare measure because the active labor policies are other and pass through the cut of the tax wedge ».

Roberto Murgia

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