Maurizio Lupi has been moderated since the "firm" of his electoral list, but if there is one thing that arouses less phlegmatic reactions in him is the rhetoric on the Draghi agenda: "But enough, that was a particular experience, now we are running for govern Italy with the center-right », clarifies the former minister, leader of Noi moderati (in fact), which groups Noi with Italy, of the same Lupi, Italy at the center of Giovanni Toti and Courage Italy of Luigi Brugnaro. Anyone who thinks that they are the fifth column of the third pole to favor the return of the outgoing premier is wrong: "If Giorgia Meloni will go to Palazzo Chigi - he reiterates - no problem for us".

Wolves, you will be moderate, but the tones that prevail in this electoral campaign are much less so.

“It is still not understood that citizens are asking for concreteness and seriousness, not the continuous brawl or phantasmagoric promises. They ask us to confront ourselves, even vigorously, to explain our proposals for Italy for the next five years. Vows are not taken by describing the opponent as absolute evil. Instead I hear tones of catastrophe ».

Are you referring to those who see a possible Meloni government as a danger to democracy?

«Exactly, even said by those who continue to pull for the Mario Draghi jacket. Draghi said two things clearly at the Rimini Meeting: first of all, let's go and vote, because the exercise of voting is the highest expression of democracy. And then that, precisely for this reason, any government that emerges from the vote of the Italians will be strong and authoritative ».

Isn't it tight in a traction FdI-Lega alliance?

"The center-right has been our position for 30 years, those are our values: the state at the service of citizens, freedoms, business as a social value, and then school, education, family. In recent years millions of moderate voters have been lost: I remember that in 2008 the PDL was voted by 14 million citizens, 39.8%. Since then the axis has shifted to the right ».

And how do you get back to the center?

“The voters are always right: the point is to make credible proposals to the point that citizens return to ensuring that the pillar of the center-right is the moderate pillar. Then we have always governed with Meloni and Salvini, it is not a problem; among other things, FdI has shown great attention to moderates in the composition of single-member constituencies ».

He recently said that you are also annoying in the center-right. What did he mean?

“Which is unfair to simplify, as if there were only three political offers in the center-right. We are the fourth: smallest? The voters will decide. It seems to me that FdI, the first time it turned up at the polls, took 1.8%. And in any case it is our duty to give priorities to the coalition ».

Please indicate one of them all.

"If in the short term we need to react to the energy crisis and inflation, in perspective the country must start again from birth and school. It is expected that in 2050 one in three Italians will be elderly: do we want to talk about it? And if education doesn't work, inequalities increase. We think of young people ».

Everyone says this.

«But you can see that there are never any young people. They reduce the question to going to TikTok, or giving a vote to 16-year-olds or a dowry to 18-year-olds. I meet many young people every day and they do not ask to vote at 16, but to be able to have a school allied with the world of work. And then that merit is valued, that an internship is not free or an exploitation ».

With the third pole you would have various points of contact, or not?

«As with other parties. But there are also many points of distance and a very different political history. I hear Calenda saying creepy things, like that as a young man he made the joints, now he wants to sanction them, but only if he abuses them ... But in short, are you for the liberalization of cannabis or against? You can't say "Ni" to wink from one side to the other ».

But isn't it strange that you, after supporting Draghi, are ready to support Giorgia Meloni, his only opponent, as prime minister?

«You see, Draghi was the fruit of a political nobility, a temporary compromise between distant forces. The opposition also made a contribution. But enough of the myth of the Draghi agenda: it cannot be the agenda of each of us. To say: for me the citizenship income is not fundamental ».

So does a return of Dragons rule it out entirely?

«I say that the voters are proposed with their own face and identity. The so-called third pole says: vote for us not because we want to govern, but because that is not the way to govern. Ungovernability as a political program! We make precise proposals. Unfortunately, the favorite sport of the centrists is to fragment, but I have combined the experience of Giovanni Toti in Liguria, of Brugnaro who was judged the best mayor of Italy, of the UDC ... "

Your symbol is emblematic. But for the graphics it has been heavily criticized ...

“It may be ugly, but it gives the idea that we are joining together not to create an electoral cartel, but to restore value to a tradition that is used to govern the country. I am convinced that the center-right will win the elections: those who want to give strength to moderatism do so by choosing Noi Moderati ».

He quoted dear energy: while waiting for the new government, what can the outgoing one do?

«The key word is: immediately . Anyone who thinks of waiting until October 20 to intervene is out of their minds, we would find ourselves in an avalanche of workers at home or on layoffs. It is not only a problem of energy-intensive companies: the other day I was in Sassuolo, in the ceramic district, the incidence of the cost of energy has risen from 20% to 70. A baker in Brianza told me that in a month it will close, because the bill has gone from 3 thousand euros to 12 thousand. Someone did not understand that this crisis is more serious than that caused by Covid ".

Act immediately: how?

"With immediate refreshments, as in the first Covid phase. And a mortgage moratorium, like when there is a catastrophe. Because now families and businesses find themselves having to choose whether to pay the installment or the bill ».

With what resources can it be done? Also the budget gap, ie the deficit?

“With the Von der Leyen directive, the structural funds available to the regions and the state can be used immediately. If this were not enough, it is clear that we will have to work on the deviation ».

Would it be in favor of a return to nuclear power?

«See you: in the 2011 referendum we campaigned for nuclear power, so as not to repeat a choice based on emotionality and which penalized us. It is among the renewable sources, we are out of time if we do not think about it. Sure, it's a long-term project. But if we don't look to the future, we will always remain dependent on someone ».

Do you also recognize yourselves in the presidentialism proposal, on which FdI insists?

“We signed it up in the joint program. I am very pleased that Giorgia Meloni is talking about a Bicameral, because the reforms must be attempted together. There are great Western democracies that with presidentialism have certainly not passed to fascism or dictatorship, think of the United States or France. Of course, the right parliamentary counterweight will be needed. I believe that the first part of the Constitution, on the founding values, should not be touched; but in 2022 the institutions cannot function as they did 70 years ago ».

For now the only reform has been the cut of the parliamentarians.

“Well, I was among the 14 deputies who voted against. Almost all of my group, so much so that I made the explanation of vote. Now all to repent in hindsight ».

What is your minimum percentage goal?

«The challenge is that of 3%, which would allow us to elect parliamentarians not only in the 17 single-member constituencies held by the coalition. Therefore we are focusing on candidates linked to the territories: even in Sardinia, where we have done a wonderful job and the leaders in the Chamber are an excellent regional councilor, Stefano Tunis. We deploy people everywhere with experience in the Regions and Municipalities, who know how to administer. Because we stand as a candidate to govern, and to govern well ».

Giuseppe Meloni

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