"Dear Union,

my 13-year-old son living in Sardinia attends compulsory school in Rome, a special school for which he won a competition to be able to attend it, and until 14 October he could come to Sardinia paying for assistance, with the old Alitalia company. Now with Volotea's winnings he can no longer come to his mother (therefore to me and to his home) because the company chosen by the Region for territorial continuity has clearly said that it is not a service that it offers and that it is not interested in offering the same services. that the previous company provided.
Basically, my child cannot travel autonomously as he is too young for their regulation (autonomous travelers are allowed only at the age of 14).
Now the only companies that have the Rome - Cagliari route are only Volotea and Ryanair, which does not allow children under 16 to fly independently and this company also does not offer assistance.

I do not want to take away from the grandmother whose letter you have already published, but I am a mother, my son is a resident of Sardinia and I cannot accept not being able to see my son due to an airline nonsense.
Cordial greetings"
Simona Collu


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