"Dear Union,

I am a former teacher of a kindergarten. In the school complex where I have served for the last 25 years, with the teaching group we have analyzed and developed a series of educational projects relating to ecological and environmental issues, with the aim of promoting the development of environmental awareness among children.

With reference to this issue, I believe that our city of Cagliari should invest more in projects of this type. The city is in fact dotted with various hills, such as Colle San Michele, Colle di Sant'Elia, Colle di Monte Urpinu, all partially barren and with little vegetation.

I am aware that for the shrub and arboreal planting of the hills there may be obstacles of various kinds as these areas are subject to constraints because they are military property, but I imagine the invitation for the planting of trees should also not find strong impediments.

The environmental policy that the municipality of Cagliari is activating today already offers important signs of change, as the facts show. The favorable context should therefore induce the competent bodies to further invest in the implementation of a 'green hills' plan.

I believe it is desirable, in my humble opinion, to enhance Cagliari as a green city. Intensifying and increasing all the initiatives in favor of the development and extension of green areas would be of great benefit in combating pollution and consequently improving the air quality of the urban area and beyond.

Thank you for your attention.

With regard".

Linda Maria Vargiu - Cagliari


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