The increases in light, diesel, feed and fertilizers "cannot be passed on to the final consumer". Also because this, with perhaps a fixed salary, will only vary the consumer basket "looking for something else less expensive".

There is great concern about the expensive energy and the quadrupled bills that bring the dairies to collapse. The alarm was raised by Gianni Maoddi, president of the Pecorino Romano Consortium , who stressed that even the farmers are “exhausted”: “We need interventions to avoid an economic and social massacre. Immediate reforms are needed, before it is too late ".

Although the prices of Pecorino Romano have reached 12-13 euros per kilo, and this at the moment allows an adequate remuneration of the milk, there is still the risk that all this is not enough to cover the costs. "This is why - Maoddi reiterates - immediate and rapid structural reforms are needed to bring energy prices back under control and avert an unprecedented crisis. We have hundreds of thousands of euros a year of higher costs to recover, but right now it is an impossible undertaking. If there are no immediate interventions, we risk seeing the closure of many companies already weakened in recent years by inflation, pandemics and expensive fuels ". "A catastrophe - urges the president of the Consortium - to be avoided at all costs. Only in Sardinia an economic system made up of 12 thousand livestock farms, 25,000 employees and 40 dairies, a system that only this year has produced a value of 600 million in turnover. It is clear that we cannot afford it ".

(Unioneonline / ss)

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