"Dear Union,

I am writing to draw attention to a problem that has arisen since the territorial continuity service was entrusted to the Volotea company, and I am referring to the transport of pets.

The non-profit association of which I belong, together with other associations with a similar vocation in our island, is responsible for limiting the phenomenon of straying by collecting abandoned animals in the area, often providing for their sterilization and treatment, and then find them adoption.

Unfortunately, since the territorial continuity has been managed by Volotea, the boarding of animals is only allowed on board, in a single carrier, and with a maximum weight of 8kg at the rate of € 39 each way. Volotea does not provide for the possibility of transporting animals in the hold.

This, therefore, not only prevents many animals from finding adoption outside Sardinia, but also represents a strong limit to tourism since it would mean preventing tourists from traveling with animals weighing more than 8 kg.

I hope that this problem will be taken into consideration and that a solution will be found soon.

Thanks for your attention".



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