A "task force" at the European level to fully implement the reforms necessary to implement the principle of insularity, in Sardinia and also in the other EU islands that claim it.

The proposal comes from the Region, inserted in a document sent by the governor Christian Solinas to the attention of the highest government authorities of the European island regions (Corsica, Balearic Islands, Gozo, Ionian Islands and Crete).

The letter contains a series of requests aimed at "integrating the insular dimension in the preparatory stages of European policies, thus implementing that principle of insularity which has never been fully implemented in the European Union legal system".

At the same time, explains Villa Devoto, «the establishment of an interinstitutional task force at European level is required , along the lines of what has already been achieved for other territorial typologies towards which the EU has adopted a specific approach, made up of representatives of the European Commission, MEPs , members of the Committee of the Regions and members of the island regional authorities, together with a steering group and a group of experts'.

«Let's start from a document that is the natural continuation of the work at European level started by Sardinia on a strategic issue for the future of over 20 million citizens who live in island regions and who, distributed in as many as 13 Member States, represent 5% of the European population ”, underlines Solinas. Adding: "It is a work that sees the Region engaged in the forefront, fully aware that a European policy for the Islands is necessary for the economic and demographic survival of the island territories which - continues the governor - precisely by virtue of the distance that separates them from the mainland, from the main production centers and from the outlet markets located in the continental regions, are characterized by an economy heavily dependent on external sources and burdened by considerable extra costs in the procurement of goods and services, to the detriment of citizens and businesses ».

Once signed by the representatives of the entire European insular institutional partnership made up of the Mediterranean islands of which Sardinia is the leader, the document will be sent by President SOlinas (on behalf of the six Regions) to the top management of the European institutions with the aim of continuing dialogue on the theme and open a new discussion table.


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