Voting starts today to elect the new President of the Republic, called to succeed Sergio Mattarella.

In Montecitorio, seat of the Chamber, 1008 between senators, deputies and regional delegates will cast their vote in a single session with, according to the calendar, one appointment a day to allow the room to be sanitized. It will then continue until there is an election. Positive voters at Covid will be able to vote in special drive-in stations outside.

The delegates for Sardinia are the governor Christian Solinas (Psd'Az), the president of the regional council Michele Pais (Lega) and the group leader Pd Gianfranco Ganau.

On this first day, the quorum is set at 672 votes (2/3 of those entitled to vote).


20.10 - Via allo spoglio - The first vote of the Parliament in joint session was completed in the Chamber of Deputies, integrated by the delegates of the regions to elect the President of the Republic. Now the counting starts, which is carried out personally by the President of the Chamber Roberto Fico.

19.50 - Salvini: "Soon cdx proposals" - "I am working so that in the next few hours the united center-right offers not one but several quality proposals, women and men of high institutional and cultural profile, on which we count there will be a discussion without vetoes and prejudices, which Italians do not deserve in such a delicate moment from an economic and social point of view ". League leader Matteo Salvini says so.

18.35 - Sarli (Mixed): "I do not vote, I have Covid" - " Today I will not be able to participate in the vote for the election of the President of the Republic, I have coronavirus and I am not yet in a position to go out and express my preference using the seat prepared in Montecitorio for the positives. "This was announced by the deputy of the Mixed, former M5s, Doriana Sarli.


18.04 - Voting resumes - After exactly 15 minutes of pause, voting resumes. Fico invites those present to occupy only the first three sectors of the hemicycle. The call of the deputies starts again.


5.49 pm - New break - President Fico arranges a new break, before restarting the vote.


5.35 pm - Salvini leaves the Chamber - " Good work, good work." The leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, surrounded by about twenty journalists at the Montecitorio exit who asked him about the meetings he had with the leaders of the others, did not add anything else left on the Quirinale.

Il voto di Salvini (Ansa)
Il voto di Salvini (Ansa)
Il voto di Salvini (Ansa)


17.30 - Giorgetti (League): "If we need take three days or even longer" - to the 'election of the President of the

Repubblica it will take two or three days, “but if it is needed even later, the important thing is to achieve a good result.” Thus Giancarlo Giorgetti, Minister for Economic Development and member of the League speaking in the transatlantic in the Chamber on the sidelines of the vote.


17.01 - The protest of the no vax Cunial - "We are ready to sue Fico and invalidate the entire election." This is the threat of Sara Cunial, former M5s and no vax deputy, who announces that she "called the carabinieri" after being stopped at the entrance to the drive-in seat set up for positive voters or quarantined for voting for the Quirinale To enter the Chamber, the Chamber requires at least the basic green pass obtained with the swab, but for Cunial it is "discrimination".

Il voto nei gazebo allestiti nel parcheggio della Camera per i grandi elettori positivi al Covid (Ansa)
Il voto nei gazebo allestiti nel parcheggio della Camera per i grandi elettori positivi al Covid (Ansa)
Il voto nei gazebo allestiti nel parcheggio della Camera per i grandi elettori positivi al Covid (Ansa)


16.57 - Letta-Salvini meeting - “Long and cordial meeting” between Matteo Salvini and Enrico Letta in the offices of the Lega in the Chamber. A face-to-face dialogue has opened: the two leaders are working on hypotheses and will meet again tomorrow. This was reported by notes from the League and the Democratic Party.


4.40 pm - Bossi's prophecy - For the Quirinale "there are still many names that can be spent" and Mario Draghi "is one of the cards, but if anything he will come out later". Sitting between Roberto Calderoli and Giancarlo Giorgetti, in the courtyard of the Chamber, Umberto Bossi discusses the Colle game. The senatur seems doubtful about the Pier Ferdinando Casini option, which "probably fails". How is Matteo Salvini playing this game? "I do not answer", he cut short with the reporters.


Marcucci (Pd): “Dragons? Only at the end "- Video:


16.35 - We start again - The session in the Chamber resumes: the deputies begin to vote.


4.30 pm - Bishops: "May unity prevail" - The CEI appeals to Parliament to listen to the "desire for unity" that comes from the country in the elections for the Quirinale. "Listening to reality is not disenchantment or abstract exercise, but it is a duty that also directly challenges the responsibilities of politics", said the cardinal who is president of the Conference Gualtiero Bassetti.


16.20 - There is a break - Concluded the second call of the senators. Fico has a 10 minute break.


16.05 - Cappellacci votes at the drive-in - The former governor of Sardinia Ugo Cappellacci, positive for Covid, was the first among the great voters to vote in the special "drive in" seat set up in the Montecitorio car park to allow voting also to those who are infected or in quarantine. "Not having the car, I organized myself with an ambulance. Overall it took a couple of minutes, everything was fast, in total safety: the people I interacted with were harnessed as in a Covid department. Now I will follow the vote. and the counting from the channels of the Chamber. And for tomorrow the organization will be identical ".


Emma Bonino: "Draghi remains at Palazzo Chigi" - Video:


15.50 - Lega-FdI Summit - The leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, is meeting Giorgia Meloni of Fratelli d'Italia in the offices of the Chamber. As the Lega reports, the meeting "was useful to take stock of the situation".


3.10 pm - Salvini sees Letta and Conte - After the start of the first vote, the news of a scheduled meeting between Matteo Salvini, Enrico Letta and Giuseppe Conte leaked.


3 pm - The first voting starts - The call of the more than one thousand voters is nominal. It begins with the senators for life, then the senators, the deputies and gradually the other voters.

14.45 - Blank ballot also for the League - "The League will vote blank ballot". This is the indication that emerged during the meeting of the Northern League voters with Matteo Salvini in progress in the Chamber. "We will confirm that we are serious and responsible," said the party leader, before entering the courtroom.


2.20 pm - Calenda (Action): "We will vote Cartabia" - Video:


2 pm - Conte on Twitter: "This vote is a great responsibility, we are still in a Covid emergency"


13.36 - No vote for the no vax Cunial - The no vax deputy Sara Cunial will not be able to vote in the special Covid seat set up in the Montecitorio parking lot to elect the President of the Republic. To access the special seat set up in via della Missione, it was recalled, it was necessary to transmit to the Chamber the medical certificate attesting to the quarantine or isolation due to positivity to Covid. Cunial is not in any of these situations and does not have the green pass to enter the Chamber.


13.25 - Pd: “Riccardi is ideal. But yes to dialogue ”- An" opening of true dialogue with the center-right, but the desire to preserve Andrea Riccardi as an ideal profile "as a candidate for the presidency of the Republic. This is the position of the Democratic Party after the summit with M5s and Leu.

Riccardi, 72, former minister of the Monti government, close to the Catholic Church, is one of the founders of the Community of Sant'Egidio.

Andrea Riccardi (Ansa)
Andrea Riccardi (Ansa)
Andrea Riccardi (Ansa)


Hours 13 - and center-5 Stars: "Today white card" - the Democratic Party, Movement Five stars and confirm Leu white card on the first vote. This is what was decided during the meeting in the Chamber with the leaders of the three political forces and the group leaders.


The big parties arrive at the Chamber - Photo:


12.56 - The quorum set at 672 votes - Today the quorum of 2/3 to trigger the election of the President of the Republic is 672 votes (2/3 of the members of the Parliament in session supplemented by the delegates of the regions). The number takes into account the death of the deputy Vincenzo Fasano. Fasano's successor in the Montecitorio seat will be proclaimed by tomorrow: after the passage to the Giunta for the elections, the proclamation will take place in a very short ad hoc session of the Chamber of the Chamber.


12.30 - The bookmakers say: "Draghi o Casini" - Silvio Berlusconi's resignation starts Pier Ferdinando Casini's race at the Quirinale: in the last hours the senator's share falls from 13 to 4 on the Ladbrokes blackboard, behind the Mario Draghi is the favorite, but rises from 1.80 to 2.10 ". A press release from Agipronews reports." The President of the Senate, Elisabetta Casellati, at 7, and Marta Cartabia at 9. For the bookmakers, moves away instead the hypothesis of Sergio Mattarella's second term, now at 12 (he was at 8). The election of the vice-president of the Constitutional Court, Giuliano Amato, is played at 15, with the European Commissioner for Economic Affairs Paolo Gentiloni at 17. Franco Frattini and Gianni Letta appear at the bottom of the blackboard, both at 21 times the bet ".


11.59 - Meloni: “Fdi proposes Carlo Nordio” - “ Whatever happens, we will support the return to the polls also because the mandate of Draghi, in our opinion, is linked to that of Sergio Mattarella. We aim for a government that has a cohesive program and a clear popular mandate. "This was said by the president of the Brothers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, as we learn, in the assembly with her electors ahead of the vote in the Chamber . "Some are working - added Meloni - to re-propose Mattarella, even if he himself has declared his unavailability. We do not ask for it and on this hypothesis we are unavailable: the reconfirmation of the outgoing president cannot become a practice ".

Meloni has also launched the candidacy of Carlo Nordio. “Names like that of Marcello Pera, Letizia Moratti, Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, Giulio Tremonti, Franco Frattini are all authoritative. I asked to expand the squad also to personalities who do not have a political background and for this reason we have added the name of Carlo Nordio, on which it seems difficult for us to raise any objections ".

Nordio, born in 1947, is a former magistrate, holder of the investigations on the Mose di Venezia and on the red cooperatives, among other things.

Carlo Nordio (Ansa)
Carlo Nordio (Ansa)
Carlo Nordio (Ansa)


11.16 - Conte: "High profile, but no veto" - "We do not veto anyone, we have raised the bar, we want a high profile personality." This was said by the president of M5S Giuseppe Conte. our goal is to preserve the continuity of government action because we cannot overlook the fact that there are families, businesses, citizens who look at us and cannot think that we first stop for the Quirinale and then for a new government ".


10.50 am - Fico: "I will read only the surname" - The President of the Chamber Roberto Fico makes it known that during the counting of the ballots for the election of the Head of State he will read only the surname of the voter where the card bears only this indication or when, while reporting other notations, the person to whom the vote is attributed is in any case unambiguously identifiable. And it will read the name and surname only if both are shown in the form and the reading of the surname alone does not allow the univocal attribution of the vote.

Video - Come si elegge il Presidente della Repubblica


10.44 - About thirty positive voters - From what we learn, there are about thirty large positive voters at Covid, who will be able to vote outside the classroom in special spaces. Among them Ugo Cappellacci. "I will go to Montecitorio with an equipped vehicle and I will not meet people", explains the Sardinian parliamentarian of Forza Italia. "We positive deputies will not enter our workplace, as expected for all Italians - he continues - But the vote for the President of the Republic is a right and duty of whoever is elected ".

Video - I deputati positivi votano al "drive in"


9.24 - Renzi: "From the center-right I hope quality names will arrive" - "Faced with a republican willingness not to veto candidates expressed by the center-right, the leaders of the center-right must match a political quality to build a candidate that grows. Mattarella in 2015 it started with 420 votes and then grew to 650. Trends also count. Otherwise the center-right leaders will prove to be good at playing the pre-season matches and not the Champions ".


9.10 - Forza Italia: "We aim for the center-right" -

“We will propose a center-right president, a squad, and we want to start from here. The rest will be seen only later, possibly. "This is the strategy for the center-right hill outlined by the vice president of Forza Italia Antonio Tajani" in view of the vote.



In the forecasts, the most favorable situation for the identification of a shared candidate will start from the fourth day. This is because the quorum will drop from two-thirds to an absolute majority. But there were two particular cases, totally different from each other. They are those of Giovanni Leone (1971) for whose election 23 ballots were required, and that of Carlo Azeglio Ciampi (1999) for which only one vote was sufficient.

For the last time, a very large audience is called to vote given that, with the reduction of parliamentarians, in seven years - at the end of the mandate - 230 deputies and 115 fewer senators will vote.

In times of Covid, detailed procedures have been defined for positive representatives. Ugo Cappellacci (Forza Italia deputy) and Gianluigi Paragone (Italexit senator) will be able to vote in a polling station set up in the parking lot of the Chamber. The former can reach it from 15.30 to 15.45 with his own vehicle or with a medical vehicle. The second will arrive in Rome from Varese, where he lives, with a private car. But he has already anticipated that in all probability he will not reach the capital today, perhaps he will do so tomorrow or Wednesday.

(Unioneonline / ss-lf)

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