The spectacle of dawn that turns the bay of Nora pink, a concert when the night has just given way to day: tomorrow in Pula "Awakenings" returns, the concert organized by the Pro loco on the stretch of beach of the Villaggio 88 bathing establishment in Nora.

By now it has become a tradition, the concert at the crack of dawn – now in its 4th edition – has attracted more and more spectators to the beach over the years , some eager to end the night in the best possible way, others getting out of bed very early to start the day listening to good music.

The concert will begin at 5.30: the singer Alice Marras and the guitarist Federico Valenti will perform in front of the Covacivich rocks.

Paolo Trudu, president of the Pro loco, is ready to bet on the success of the appointment: «The formula is now well established and tourists and residents like it, getting up before dawn on a day when you can rest more like Sunday is certainly a sacrifice, but the mere fact of seeing the sun rise from the sea and listening to music on an almost deserted beach repays the effort».

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