The activation of the Energy release, which has already been given the green light by the Conference of Regions, and the Superinterruptibility, which has become topical again after the change of pace of the EU on state aid: these are the two opportunities that could allow Portovesme srl to continue to march on the Sulcis site, avoiding the shutdown of the plant and the employment crisis for 1,500 workers.

The demands placed on the table by the company would be made its own by Governor Christian Solinas.

"The governor considers Portovesme strategic - explains Emanuele Madeddu of Filctem Cgil - so much so that, when the two options do not materialize, he will be at our side in the battle to avoid the shutdown of the plants. Meanwhile the company has clarified which ones are the tools to continue the production. We appreciate the commitments of the president, but above all the fact that he wants to stand by us in this dispute for which we expect a first response from Rome this week: the next 96 hours will be determined to find a solution on the cost of energy ".

Tomorrow morning at 8 new assembly in Portovesme with the workers for the information from the representatives of the chemists of Cgil, Cisl and Uil: the mobilization remains standing but for now no new actions will be envisaged.

THE GOVERNOR - "We will urge the Government to find the immediate tool to fight the increases also thanks to the openings that European rules open today with the overcoming of the rules on state aid up to a few weeks ago in force", the words of Christian Solinas .

"Sardinia - recalled the governor - has promoted at the Conference of the Regions of an amendment to the Decree 'Urgent measures in the field of electricity, natural gas and renewable sources' with the aim of equalizing energy costs between companies that operate in the Peninsula and those operating in the major islands. The text was unanimously approved by the technical commission of the Energy Commission of the State-Region Conference. It is an instrument that not only us, but also Sicily and other regional realities consider vital importance for obtaining an immediate concrete response with the achievement of Superinterruptibility, that is, the compensation on energy costs, no longer foreseen from 2018 ".

"The future of our production realities passes from energy policies - underlined Solinas - not only the most energy-intensive ones. The Government must take this into account, and this is why I have already expressed our strong perplexity with regard to some essential aspects several times. of the recent Dpcm. The exclusive use of renewables and storage batteries does not guarantee the certainties that Sardinia needs. The same date of the complete abandonment of coal must be revised, as happened in Germany where the farewell to coal was postponed to 2035 ".

"The Region is totally involved in this battle - the conclusion - that we will continue in every institutional location and, if necessary, demonstrating in Rome together with the workers to make our voice and our rights heard and keep our industrial system alive" .

(Unioneonline / vl)

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