"The territory must be compact, all together we can make our voices heard in defense of work". The long day of meetings on the Portovesme srl dispute started from the hall of the Portovesme industrial consortium. Mayors and trade unions met to establish a common line in defense of work .

"We cannot be mere spectators - said Ignazio Atzori , mayor of Portoscuso - the economic situation is already serious for the reasons we all know, many families struggle with a regular salary, what will happen with the layoff? on the defense of labor. Now the emergency is for Portovesme srl, which has announced the stop of the Lead line, with 200 workers involved, but the criticalities of this area are many and we know them well ".

At noon, the trade unions will meet the President of the Region Christian Solinas at Villa Devoto while in the afternoon the summit with the Labor Councilor Alessandra Zedda is scheduled to discuss the expiring layoffs.

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