From 80 kilos in the 1980s to 40 kilos per capita of bread per year consumed in Italy. These are the data that emerged on the occasion of the "World Bread and Food Day" at the Porto Conte Ricerche headquarters in Tramariglio, a celebratory event to talk about bread and supply chain products, organized today in Alghero by Porto Conte Ricerche and the Academy Sardinian Mother Yeast.

The conference entitled "Bread as a global food - Analysis of the sector and future prospects" was a moment of discussion and discussion with operators in the sector . Representatives of companies in the cereal supply chain (mills, bakeries, pasta factories), restaurateurs, trade associations and students from the hotel schools of Sassari and Alghero attended, who will prepare bread-based dishes to be consumed during the lunch break. Prices throughout the country were analysed, revealing that in some cities people pay 12 euros per kilo, with an average ranging from 2 to 6 euros per kilo.

«A serious reflection needs to be made - claims Gavino Sini, sole director of Porto Conte Ricerche - necessary to understand how to increasingly reintroduce this food into our Mediterranean diets, in consideration of the reduced consumption of bread in Italy». In addition to inflation, there are other factors that contribute to food price increases such as the location of the point of sale.

Faced with the change in eating habits, the decrease in bread consumption, linked to the economic-financial aspect, there is the need to create a circular economy that allows the reconstruction of the supply chain also through new studies and research of greater sustainability from the from a nutritional point of view.

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