"An unfortunate surprise for the professionals who waited for the last day for the forwarding of the 6.1 PSR Sardinia applications for young people setting up for the first time and for the vineyard restructuring applications, which expire at midnight . The Sian , the portal of the Ministry of Agriculture to which it is compulsory to connect for all the practices and questions in agriculture , has been blocked since the morning of today and does not accept access ".

This was reported by Tore Piana , president of the Agricultural Studies Center .

"The services of the SIAN portal are not available for extraordinary maintenance operations that will proceed throughout the day today. It is estimated that the services will be available again starting tomorrow, morning of June 1. We apologize for the inconvenience caused", is the message that appears on the ministerial portal.

A blockade that, according to Piana, causes “ very big damage to Sardinia . In these hours it seems that hundreds of requests are reaching the Sardinia Region for an extension of at least one day of applications ".

(Unioneonline / vl)

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