The revision of the Pnrr prepared by the Government worries the mayors of Sardinia who have gone to great lengths to participate in the tenders.

The island risks losing 500 million in funds on projects that have mostly already started , and even if someone remembers that we will move to other sources of financing, there are no indications on the procedures to follow.

One thing, however, is certain - the administrators warn - the works of the Municipalities financed so far must continue and be completed .

Cal, the Council of Local Authorities led by Paola Secci, meets this morning. «The alarm is high – explains Daniela Falconi, mayor of Fonni – it is true that there is talk of the transfer to the Cohesion Fund, but since I don't think there can be an increase, it would mean that the resources will be taken away from other projects ».

The ANCI offices are analyzing the IFEL data (Institute of Local Finance and Economy) and are cross-referencing them with those published in recent days: the dem deputy Silvio Lai has released the list of cuts planned for the island, 499.5 million of euros, of which 129 million to the province of Sassari, 152 million to the metropolitan city of Cagliari, 89 million to Southern Sardinia, 62 million to the Oristano area and 65 million for the province of Nuoro. At the end of the work, Emiliano Deiana and Alberto Urpi will convene an assembly «to inform and take collective decisions, to protect our municipalities, mayors, administrators and officials».

Cristina Cossu

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