" Politics is a serious thing, you can't improvise ." Pier Silvio Berlusconi , CEO of Mfe, said this in an interview with Corriere della Sera. «Of course, as a citizen and as an entrepreneur I think that the role of Forza Italia in carrying forward the thoughts of my father, liberal and moderate, is fundamental as part of this government and for the future of our country - he adds - But I do the publisher and now I have a European project to carry forward."

So an in-depth look at TV, which according to Pier Silvio Berlusconi, also a generalist, «if done well, kept alive and modern, defends itself very well. And in our case it continues to give satisfaction. I didn't say it was easy. The opposite: she's very tough. But with the right mix of experience and investments you can even grow ."

Then he adds: «The world of content supply has become super competitive, perhaps even overcrowded. What I know, however, is that we, against the trend, are hiring. And we hire half of them under 30 and 50% women. We already started last year with 250 new hires and we intend to continue for another three with a total of a thousand new hires."


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