Last mediation at Palazzo Chigi on pensions: Mario Draghi's government proposes Quota 102, i.e. the possibility of retiring with 64 years of age and 38 contributions, in 2022 alone.

A compromise that appeals to the majority, including the League, and also to the trade unions. Also because setting it to 2022 opens up the possibility that next year we will again discuss flexibility in output.

For Draghi, we should gradually return to a fully contributory system, such as the one indicated by the Fornero law. For the League, which expresses "great satisfaction", instead, it is an opportunity in 2023 to put the entire law back in its hand: "No return to the Fornero law, we are moving towards retirement at 64 (instead of 67) while maintaining 38 years of contributions . In addition, there will be an ad hoc fund of 500 million to accompany some categories to early exit from the world of work with the Quota100 rules ".

These are the three measures that Draghi has brought to the cdm: approval of the Recovery decree to simplify and accelerate the NRR and unlock another 8 targets envisaged by 2021; launch of the budget law; approval of the law on competition, which intervenes on local public services but could also review bathing concessions and for street vendors. But a few hours after the budget law arrived in the Council of Ministers, there are still open fronts.

CITIZENSHIP INCOME - The first is the reform of the Citizenship Income, which does not seem to fully convince the Five Stars. There is a tightening of preventive controls and a decalage mechanism - progressive reduction of the allowance - after the first two jobs rejected. The solution pleases Iv and Fi, who push to change income, while the political judgment of the M5s remains "suspended" until the CDM, which also sees the cashback measure being stopped.

TAX CUT - As for the 8 billion tax cuts, it will only be decided at a later stage in the parliamentary procedure to what to allocate them. The Democratic Party in the control room asks the government to listen to the demands of the social partners on pensions but also on tax cuts. The unions are asking to allocate them all to cutting the wedge on the workers side, a position that sees the Pd and Leu agree. The M5s asks to act on average incomes. While Fi, Lega and Iv also want action on the business side, starting with a cut of Irap.

(Unioneonline / D)

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