«I am very happy to be in Sardinia for the first time, to talk to students about human rights and freedom for which we must always fight, never take anything for granted». Thus Patrick Zaki, human rights defender, for the first time in Sardinia.

Arrested and tried for his ideas in Egypt and then pardoned by President Al Sisi , today he lives between Bologna, his adopted city, and his native country.

In Cagliari, in the morning, at the Pacinotti high school, he met the students.

In the afternoon, at the Archbishop's Seminary, the presentation of his book “Dreams and illusions of freedom. My story“ (initiative of the associations "Breaking Italy", "InOltre-Alternativa progressivist" and "Il nostra tempo"). On this occasion, Zaki focused on the case of Ilaria Salis, the teacher of Sardinian origin in prison in Budapest . «We must support Ilaria's cause. Each of us - he said - must offer our contribution to bring her home as soon as possible. I saw the terrible images in court. She was handcuffed and handcuffed. Even in this case, human rights are seriously violated."

In the video there are interviews with Patrick Zaki, the head teacher of the "Pacinotti" Valentina Savona and the vice-president of the Cagliari city council Matteo Lecis Cocco Ortu.

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