"I dreamed of you as one dreams of the rose and the wind." With this post on Instagram Pamela Prati "introduced" her new boyfriend to her followers . A new love story to forget the "elusive" Mark Caltagirone, who caused so much discussion and who, as she herself admitted in various interviews, made her suffer so much .

To accompany the poetic phrase, a photo that portrays her from behind, as she walks next to a tall man, with his hair tied back, also from behind.

A hiding of the face which, however, gave rise to some skeptical and malicious comments.

But Pamela herself replied to the haters by posting the thought of one of her fans, where we read: «And this time too you must always put evil into it and chat. It is not as you say mysterious, but reserved. You must understand that even famous people have the sacred right to have their privacy ».

Words that the Sardinian soubrette shared in a story, underlining the concept with a heart and lots of applause.


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