One hundred years after the March on Rome , the State Archives of Cagliari organized a meeting in its historic location, in via Gallura, in which historians and scholars take part who will discuss tonight starting at 5 pm on the many aspects linked to that "day particular".

The analysis will concern the facts, the weight of that carried out for Italy and the memory that continues to survive with the interlude of the readings by the actor and director Gianluca Medas and images and videos that will help to better understand the meaning of the conquest of the power by fascism. The opportunity to show the important documents kept by the Archive.

"Of particular relevance , one hundred years after the March on Rome, - clarifies the director Enrico Trogu - the series dedicated to the regime's propaganda and the creation of a" mystique "around the figure of Mussolini , and those of" municipal affairs ", from which it is possible to obtain information for all the territories of the then province of Cagliari ”. Marco Pignotti , professor of Contemporary History at the University of the capital, and Walter Falgio , researcher, president of the Sardinian institute for the history of anti-fascism and contemporary society (Issasco) will also participate.

Un documento dall'archivio di Stato (foto Rais)
Un documento dall'archivio di Stato (foto Rais)
Un documento dall'archivio di Stato (foto Rais)

“Sardinia, - he explains - although far from the epicenter of power, lived that moment, torn apart by two different temptations: that of aligning with the new and that, losing, of opposing a movement that would not have tolerated and guaranteed autonomist principles. Certainly, the periphery of the island has greatly attenuated the strong radicalization of the political clash taking place between 1919 and 1922, when the clashes in the countryside and in industrial centers amplified the tension between the various social parties ”. Pignotti is the author of the volume " The Political Diary of Francesco Cocco Ortu 1922-1929 ", dedicated to the liberal leader (in Parliament without interruption from 1876 to 1924, Minister of Agriculture and Keeper of the Seals, founder of L'Unione Sarda) who was among the first to understand the danger of black shirts . “The pages of his Diary - according to Pignotti - are still today a precious chronicle of the regime's liberticidal activity, but also a concentrate of very topical reflections”.

Un altro documento dall'archivio di Stato (foto Rais)
Un altro documento dall'archivio di Stato (foto Rais)
Un altro documento dall'archivio di Stato (foto Rais)

MEETING AT THE “MARTINI” - The march on Rome will be at the center, Saturday 28 October, from 9 am, of a study day at the “Martini” economic technical institute . The figure of Emilio Lussu, political and anti-fascist leader, author of the book “March on Rome and its surroundings” will also be analyzed in the school hall in via Cabras, in Monserrato. Students will read passages from Lussu's opera and from the volumes “Il Cavaliere dei Rossomori” by Giuseppe Fiori and “Gli amici di Emilio” by Graziella Monni.

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