Forty new positions of power in the regional administration thanks to the restoration of the Boards of Directors in bodies, agencies, institutes and companies of the Region and of other public bodies operating within the Region and currently led by a single administrator. This is what is foreseen in an amendment just presented to the omnibus law and signed by Francesco Mura (FdI), Giorgio Oppi (Udc), Franco Mula (Psd'Az), Emanuele Cera (Forza Italia), Michele Cossa (Riformatori), Roberto Caredda ( Mixed), but not by the leader of the Lega Dario Giagoni.

"The entities - reads the proposed amendment to Article 10 which will be discussed tomorrow -" are administered by a Board of Directors appointed by decree of the President of the Region, following a resolution of the Regional Council. "They will consist of a president and two Board of Directors of Arpas (Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment), Agris Sardegna (Agency for Research in Agriculture), Argea (Agency for the management and provision of aid in agriculture), Laore (Implementation of programs in the agricultural field and for rural development), Aspal (Active Labor Policies), Isre (Higher Regional Ethnographic Institute), Sardegna IT Srl, Carbosulcis Spa, Igea Spa, Sardegna Ricerche, Institute for equestrian growth. They will be made up of a president and four members of the Board of Directors of the Area Boards (Regional Agency for Housing), Arst, Forestas and Enas (Water Authority of Sardinia).

Now the Regional Council is engaged in the discussion of the 8 on "Provisions on agriculture, local authorities, environment and civil protection".

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