Two million euros more for live entertainment operators who in 2021, due to restrictions linked to the pandemic, lost on average 70% of revenues. To ask for the allocation in the omnibus law ready to land in the classroom are the professional bodies of music, theater and dance gathered in the Cuss, Unitary Coordination of the live entertainment of Sardinia. To reiterate a request already made in the Budget Committee, the representatives of Cuss will demonstrate on Wednesday 13 October under the building of the Regional Council.

"It is necessary that the regional institutions now support, without delay, our sector, which plays a fundamental role on the economic and employment level - declared the spokesmen of the Coordination Marco Benoni, Vincenzo De Rosa and Monica Pistidda - Every euro invested by the Region on the show live produces economic repercussions from 6 to 8 times higher. This is why we urge an urgent intervention aimed at safeguarding companies and current employment levels (over 4200 entertainment workers in Sardinia) ".

"The additional allocation of 2 million euros - they conclude - is just enough to equal the average amount allocated in the years preceding the current pandemic emergency".

(Unioneonline / vl)

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