The hypothesis of an excerpt from the omnibus law is increasingly distant. Discussion of the 350 amendments all signed by the opposition began today in the Budget Committee. According to what emerges, the center-right would only be willing to rewrite, but not to delete, the rule (i.e. Article 1) on the 20 million allocated to deal with the damage of the July fires, taking into consideration the recently presented bill. by the councilor of the Progressives and mayor of Santu Lussurgiu (one of the municipalities most affected by the fires) Diego Loi.

Today the commissioners should be able to approve the first article of the law. The examination of amendments and other articles will go on for a few days in the small parliament headed by Valerio De Giorgi (Mixed). After the green light, the ten days available to the opposition for the minority relationship will start. At that point the law containing a budget change of 300 million will be ready for the Chamber. Where it is unlikely to arrive before the administrative elections of 10 and 11 October.

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