Which type of oil to prefer? Dr. Pietro Senette, nutritionist and researcher replies:

«A real richness of the Mediterranean diet and in particular of Sardinia, extra virgin olive oil is one of the fixed points on which our diet should be based. Often demonized for its great energy capacity, like all fats, it is actually a real panacea for our body and should be consumed in the amount of about a spoonful per meal.

In recent years, its numerous benefits and the biological functions it performs in our body have been widely documented, so much so that it deserves the nickname of green gold.

In particular, the optimal ratio of omega 6/omega 3 fatty acids in extra virgin olive oil has been shown to reduce the onset of numerous pathological conditions such as cardiovascular events, cancer, osteoporosis and, last but not least, "so-called" inflammatory diseases. autoimmune". Extra virgin olive oil, as well as lipids, is also a source of specific "polyphenols" capable of interfering with pathogenetic mechanisms which are the basis of very frequent diseases nowadays such as Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease, just to name a few.

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