The legislature is over and the disavowal of the Chamber with the opposition motions on hospitals on the agenda is proof. It is the theory of minorities in the Regional Council that today condemned the way the majority operates.

"A very serious fact - explains the leader of the Democratic Party Gianfranco Ganau - a session convened on an agenda agreed in the conference of group leaders and which is canceled due to lack of an agreement in the center-right which is once again divided on essential topics".

The opposition requests the withdrawal of the two resolutions because " the construction of new hospitals must be decided by the Regional Council with a modification of the hospital network still in force ". Ganau maintains that "once again the role of the Council is debased".

As for President Pais's decision to cancel today's meeting, as a former president of the Assembly Ganau admits that he «understands the political reasons, but from a regulatory point of view I don't agree with a rejection motivated by the fact that there is no cohesive majority. This is not expected."

For Eugenio Lai (Rossoverde Alliance) " the majority no longer has the numbers to govern and forces the Council into total stasis".

Alessandro Solinas (M5S) records «another episode that denotes the detachment of the Giunta from reality, which makes us understand the level of bulimia of the governor's power who deprives any institutional classroom and decides out of nowhere to build four new hospitals without listening to the territories» .

Francesco Agus (Progressives) recalled that « the prerogative of the president of the Assembly to disavow the Council is linked to natural disasters. The reality is that the real calamity is this majority ».

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