Stay with expiration date for Nahitan Nandez at Cagliari. At least in the hopes of the player, protagonist this summer of a hard push and pull with the rossoblù club and, apparently, still determined to leave Sardinia.

The manager of the Uruguayan midfielder, Pablo Bentancur, confirmed once again the willingness to pack his bags: "Giulini promised me and the player to do everything possible to get away in the January transfer market. Nandez wants to win something, he wants to play the Champions League . The president of Cagliari gave us his word, Nandez was the most expensive player in the history of the club but we know the crisis that has taken place ", Bentancur told the microphones of the broadcasterCalcioNapoli24 TV.

As for the possible destination, Bentancur explained that El Leon, who in recent months was in the crosshairs of Inter, is still of interest to numerous noble teams.

"There are two or three clubs - the words of Bentancur - who will look for Nandez in January, even Napoli. I would be happy to see him in blue, definitely. Giulini has now understood the situation, we hope that in January there will be some movement, we hope for the direction Naples ".

The manager also hypothesized the formula of the possible sale: "I think Cagliari will sell at a lower price than the requested one, there is a 36 million clause, but the president spoke with Nandez yesterday and told him that he will lower the price and will let him go. "

(Unioneonline / lf)

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