A sports field or other space within the Federal Technical Center of the Football Federation in Coverciano named after Gigi Riva.

This is foreseen by a motion presented by Roberto De Blasi, group leader of the M5s in Florence, approved by the Culture and Sport commission of the Municipality.

«I am Sardinian by origin while Gigi was Sardinian by adoption - writes De Blasi in a note - I believe that this bond is an important symbol of integration and welcome in a city like Florence, which is home to the Federal Technical Center of the Football Federation. I am very excited, because naming a sports field or other place after Gigi within the temple of football in Florence is a real honor. With this choice, what the president of the commission Fabio Giorgetti said today truly comes true: today the island conquers the peninsula".

Gigi Riva, “Rombo di Tuono”, died exactly one month ago in Cagliari.


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