The meeting between the government and the opposition on the minimum wage was held in Palazzo Chigi and lasted about two hours.

Giorgia Meloni proposed the mediation of the Cnel and a 60-day process "careful but quick" to arrive at a "shared proposal to fight poor work and low wages".

Path, remarked the prime minister, which cannot fail to start from the analysis of precise data and the analysis of the repercussions of every possible legislative initiative.

"In 60 days", said the premier, "the social partners can be involved to arrive at a bill in Parliament and the Government to fully implement Article 36 of the Constitution, according to which the worker has the right to a proportionate salary to the quantity and quality of his work and in any case sufficient to ensure a free and dignified existence for himself and his family".
"If we think of giving a simple answer to a complex issue, we risk creating more damage than we want to solve", explained Meloni, adding that "we are interested in strengthening wages, the fight against poor work, but there are divergences of tools and I proposed a broad comparison involving the Cnel».

The goal is "to arrive at a proposal in time for the budget law".
“The government doesn't have its own proposal, it doesn't have clear ideas. He remained in his positions,” said Pd secretary Elly Schlein.

«We came with a constructive spirit, we managed to converge the opposition on a unitary proposal. Meloni had asked for a comparison, we are there, but there was no counter-proposal, the government asked to involve the Cnel, to us it seems like a ball thrown in the stands », commented the M5s leader Giuseppe Conte.
"The news hasn't arrived, there isn't an alternative proposal from the government and the majority on the minimum wage," said Si leader Nicola Fratoianni.

«It was an interim meeting but the positive fact is that nobody slammed the door. The proposal that Meloni made us is for a dialogue on a broader intervention, within which there is no prejudice to discussing the minimum wage proposal ”, affirmed the leader of Action Carlo Calenda instead.


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