Military exercises in Sardinia, Avs deputy Francesca Ghirra requests urgent information from Defense Minister Guido Crosetto to the Chamber .

For the entire month of May, the island is "besieged" by vehicles and soldiers who " will leave toxic waste and damage the environment, the landscape and the already precarious economy of the island ", says the former mayoral candidate of Cagliari.

For Ghirra, who rattles off some data ( 65% of Italian military servitude is on the island, with 80 km of inaccessible coasts and 30,000 hectares of territory occupied by military state property ), Sardinia "already pays a very high price".

What are the economic benefits the government is talking about? What are the costs of the easements and how much is the presence of the foundations worth? We would like to know, which is why we asked for urgent information from the Minister of Defence".

"It is not possible - insists the opposition deputy - that the government remembers us only during the summer holidays or for military exercises, but never when it comes to strengthening services". Finally, Ghirra asks for an account of the reclamations, «an issue already raised by the Court of Auditors. Does anyone verify that no chemical, toxic and radiological, or otherwise dangerous substances are used? Who will take care of reclaiming our territories? We await answers."


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