A long post accompanied by the image of an oxygen mask, a syringe, and some pills, to tell the many fans and followers about the difficulties related to this beginning of the year, the need to stop and the precise commitment to tell a difficult path of care.

Thus the writer Michela Murgia, 49, who from facebook announces that she has to give up the shows and contact with the public because she is struggling with "a slow treatment", following a hospitalization in intensive care, and "which will require very different rhythms from those I have always lived and worked on ”.

"You wrote me many messages to express your disappointment at the cancellation of the dates of my shows in the coming weeks and this made me feel less alone, as long as I too dreamed of starting the year in theaters, meeting people and going back to look at them in the eyes ”, the debut of the Murgia in the post published on facebook.

"Instead, I started him from intensive care, which he is following a slow treatment that will require very different rhythms from those I have always lived and worked at. Some things I can do, but others not and the long journeys and physically performative situations for now. they are out of my reach ”.

"Illness is not a catastrophe - the Sardinian writer continues - but a piece of my life that is as good as the others and I don't want to treat it as a dark secret or something to be ashamed of. For this you will see on this page the things I have always shared, whether they were private images, public battles or memes about BTS, but from time to time there will also be shares of my care, which is part of me like everything else ".

"Getting sick is normal, healing is normal - the conclusion - and choosing what to stop at is also normal. Not everything will go back to the way it was before, but what comes next could even be better. Let's give ourselves time to make it happen".

For her dozens and dozens of messages of encouragement and affection from the fans.

(Unioneonline / vl)

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