While politics lingers on the nuances of Elly's armo-cromia, sweet, cultured and very strong secretary of the Democratic Party, and while, even earlier, that same politics continued to talk, as if there were a real need, on the pregnant value of 25 April with his gaze turned to the events of the past, now overcome thank goodness, the pragmatism of Sergio Mattarella resounds, welcome and expected, almost as if he wanted to bring us all back into the present, who, with his gaze turned, conversely, towards the contingent and towards the near and distant future, he proves capable of showing everyone the main road to take without hesitation of any kind.

To the good connoisseur, therefore, a few words, and the executive should prove to be consistent: "The unity of the country means substantial unity in terms of job opportunities". "It means a commitment to remove territorial inequalities". "Presiding over and promoting national unity also means this." "Work is a sign of dignity because it is closely linked to each person's life project". "While the temptation to surrender to the idea that poor work can exist, whose remuneration does not allow one to lead a decent existence, it is necessary to forcefully affirm, instead, the character of work as the first, elementary, constructive way of redistribution of the income produced". President Sergio Mattarella said precisely this when speaking in Reggio Emilia on the occasion of Labor Day. Even the "location", different from the traditional one, identified in the austere Palazzo del Quirinale, appears, and is received by most, as signifying a desire for the insistent presence of the highest office of state in the working life of its citizens who are too often victims "accidents at work, which destroy lives, throw families into despair, cause irreversible damage, with unacceptable human costs". «Precariousness as a system clashes with the aims of growth and development». «Expanding the basis of work, and its quality, must be a constant worry at every level, starting from the institutions». Well. If the ideological premises appear to be such, and of such consistency, which evidently could not, nor should, be disregarded precisely because of their lucid and transparent relevance on a practical level, how will the new work decree, which will be launched, the announcements, just today, can be said to respond to those same premises, in terms of content? How will the controversial overcoming of the basic income, which in the pandemic period has undeniably contributed to guaranteeing not only the livelihood of many poorer families, but also the social stability of the country, be able to contribute to guaranteeing growth if the relationship between the has the demand and supply of labour, pace of Cig, Pal and Gal, never found, and for decades now, its equilibrium point?

If the objective, as far as is known based on the advances offered by the media, is to modify the structure of the Dignity Decree approved in the distant year 2018 by the Conte I Government (of which, moreover, the Government ally Matteo Salvini and his League) which, to remember well, provided for, in line with the current warning of Sergio Mattarella, the reduction of the number and duration of the extensions of fixed-term contracts, considered as a decoy and for nothing useful in terms of the fight against precariousness and its contradictions, how can the "legalization and/or deregulation", if we wanted to define it, of incoming and outgoing flexibility guarantee contractual stability and professional growth? One of two things: either stability or precariousness.

With all that, in the second hypothesis, it follows. In the meantime, because the only objective to be pursued, beyond the flag reforms that would appear to have nothing to do with the common good, should be to restore "dignity" to work, carrying forward original and unprecedented initiatives that are suitable for favor professional and salary continuity by taking as an example virtuous realities already present in Europe, such as Spain for example, in the context of which the fight against precariousness has been carried forward through a reformist system which, all things considered, has proved to be satisfactory. Therefore, because flexible bargaining can only reverberate to the detriment of the weakest part of the contractual synallagma, since only the employer parties would benefit from it. And it doesn't take Mazzini's science to understand it. Finally, because haste, in its current state, does not appear, and indeed never is, as a good advisor, especially when, as in the contingent hypothesis, every action fits, as in fact fits, within a single frame apparently splendid, whose framework instead presents an unstable reality destined, with good likelihood, and everyday life confirms it, to plunge into a recession phase without precedent in all respects suitable (in the absence of targeted although not miraculous interventions to guarantee at least, the minimum common welfare) to irreversibly destabilize the country.

Even if it were true that "work", to quote the Prime Minister's words, "does not create the State with a Decree", nevertheless it is equally true, contrary to what the President himself would seem to believe, that the point of view to hold in consideration is not only that of the enterprise when the critical issues have long since taken root in the basic substratum of the community, in short, that which animates, on a subjective level, the activity of the enterprise itself, that is to say the employee. Trying to reason differently would end up preparing favorable rules for the entrepreneur which would not be counterbalanced by equally favorable rules for the worker, since the interest of one would come into conflict with that of the other. Paradoxically, the implementation of fixed-term contracts and the extension of their duration, because such would appear to be the premises, and we hope not, of the new decree, will end up widening the precariousness that Giuseppe Conte had wanted to eliminate. In short, in a reality, such as the Italian one, where the unemployment rate seems to have reached worrying levels, one should not ignore tout court a comfort welfare system suitable to act as a buffer until an appreciable level of stability is reached in the relationship between labor supply and demand. In short, faced with a government majority that appears expedient in adopting measures of common interest, and which would require a broad parliamentary debate for comparison, one cannot fail to notice the weakness of the opposition, from which one would expect an answer stringent: fight against precariousness, guarantees of stability, training and minimum wage guaranteed by law in the name of the dignity of the person and in full compliance with article 2 of the Constitution which must never be set aside in its guideline.

Josephine Di Salvatore

(Lawyer – Nuoro)

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