Mario Draghi has no doubts. The outgoing premier, answering questions from journalists at the press conference and after the Council of Ministers which saw the approval of the Aiuti-ter decree , did not say he was available for a second term as prime minister.

"It was another CDM very rich in measures - explained Draghi - laws, interventions in support in many fields. First of all, aid to families and businesses for the energy crisis, the high bills and more generally the high life. Then we accelerated the implementation of the NRP on structural reforms with the aim of achieving the greatest number of objectives before the next government and, as a third point, to implement the energy diversification from Russian gas and towards renewable sources. Aid ter of today is spent 14 billion euros for families and businesses that are added to almost 50 in recent months, overall a value of more than 60 billion euros , equal to 3.5% of GDP. This places us among the countries that have spent more in Europe ”to tackle the energy emergency and inflation.

THE SANCTIONS - The premier has no doubts about the sanctions against Russia . “They work - he clarifies - otherwise we would not understand certain recent behaviors of President Putin. We must continue on that front . And continue on the front of support for Ukraine for the war of liberation from those who invaded the country. This has been the line of my government ”.

As for the point of view of the center-right, “does Salvini's prevail? I can't say it, ”he clarifies. Specifying that in any case it is “a vision that the current government does not share. There are those who speak secretly with the Russians , who want to lift the sanctions. He is there too ”in the electoral campaign,“ but the majority of Italians don't do it and don't want to do it. I look to the majority of Italians and to the government that has had the honor of presiding ”. "We must continue on the front of support for Ukraine for the war of liberation from those who invaded the country".

ORBÁN'S HUNGARY - As for journalists' questions on Meloni and Salvini's ties with Hungary by Viktor Orbán "we have" a different idea of Europe , "we defend the rule of law and our allies are Germany, France which they defend the rule of law ”.

THE RUSSIAN FUNDS - And speaking of the question of Russian funds: “ Italian democracy is strong , it does not let itself be beaten by external enemies, by their hired puppets. We must be confident in our democracy, we must not be afraid of any voice ”.

(Unioneonline / vl)

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