The festival in honor of the patron Saint Stephen begins tomorrow, Friday 1 July in Maracalagonis : the committee, chaired by Ignazio Ulleri, has planned five days of celebration with religious and civil rites.

The start tomorrow at 7 pm with the "de s'Intregu" ceremony, solemn Vespers, prayer to the patron saint and Mass. On Saturday, at 7.15 pm, the Vestition of the Saint. At 8 pm the Holy Mass: to follow the inauguration of the photographic exhibition "Santo Stefano nel tempo". The review will be set up with photos of the festival from 1940 to today, also collected among citizens.

Monday 4 July mass at 7 pm. At 8 pm the procession with the urn of the Saint and the relics, accompanied by the Popular Sardinian Orchestra of Orlando Mascia and the folk groups of Maracalagonis. The procession will cross via Cagliari, Maddalena, Fani, Aretino, via Puccini bridge, Milan, Deledda, Gramsci, Umberto I, Regina Margherita, Colombo, San Giovanni, Trento, Garibaldi, XXIV Maggio, Nazionale. Then the return to the parish.

A mini fireworks show and Eucharistic blessing will follow. Mass on Tuesday at 8. At 10.15 am the procession, with the relics of the Saint, to accompany the "Santo Stefano musical band" of Maracalagonis through the streets of Cagliari, Rome, S. Stefano, Kennedy, Omero, Nuoro, Cagliari and then the return to the parish. At 11, holy mass.

The civil celebrations will begin on Monday 4th July. In Piazza Chiesa, after the procession there will be "Su Cumbidu", offered by the Santo Stefano committee with dances in the square with the ethnomusical group "Armonia Sarda" formed by Giacomo Crobu, Francesco Fais, Mariano Tatti, Lorenzo Mele. On 5 July in Piazza Chiesa, at 9.30 pm, a show by Alessandro Pili in "Scraffingiu" with Alessia Simoncelli by the Municipality of Maracalagonis. Wednesday in piazza Chiesa, at 9.30 pm, extraction of lottery tickets and musical show "Tieni il tempo", a tribute to 883.

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