“I have dreamed so many times of returning to Cagliari that now I am terrified of being able to wake up at any moment. Fortunately, there are already many details that testify to this ”. Starting with the goal against the Citadel that still shakes the city, his city.

Marco Mancosu takes all of this new challenge, including the pressure. “After a game I don't sleep much, let alone Sunday evening”.

Of the network, admits the 34-year-old Sardinian midfielder during a press conference at Unipol Domus, he remembers little or nothing. “I took a tram ride in the face from the doorman, I felt pain and I couldn't understand,” he reveals. “Then I heard the roar of the stadium and I thought, I really scored. And I said to myself: I dreamed so much about this goal under the North, I can't help but rejoice ".

Fifteen years after the first in rossoblù. “A lot of water has passed under the bridge. That time it was almost easy to get there in Cagliari, from the Primavera. It was the last of the championship, there was nothing at stake. Now I get there as a lived man ”. And he finds again the coach Fabio Liverani with whom he shared an extraordinary three-year period in Lecce. "His working methodology and his way of interpreting football", Mancosu emphasizes, "are perfect for my characteristics".

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