How much effort, but what a game! Cagliari wins in the sprint, three minutes from 90 '. Challenge at times beautiful, in full Serie B climate. In the second half the Cittadella starts well, as in the first half, but at 6 'an enlightened Mancosu sends Lapadula in front of the visiting goalkeeper, who is skilled at the exit. Cagliari risks, gets distracted, but Gorini's yellows do not take advantage of it. At 12 'Nandez and Pereiro outside, inside Luvumbo and Rog.

At 20 'two blazes: first Zappa does not engage in the area, then Luvumbo engages Kastrati with a nice attempt from outside. At 26 'the draw: the Domus explodes after the amazing play by Luvumbo on the right corner of the area, the ball arrives on Mancosu's head who scores the same dive. The Angolan is unleashed and sows panic among the Venetians, in the pit of Unipol, almost sold out. The pressure doesn't drop, but the Citadel is in no grave danger. At 10 'from the end, a triple change for Liverani: Pavoletti, Millico and Carboni, with Mancosu going to be the third midfielder. The guests on their knees, in the final sprint, and Cagliari takes advantage of it: Millico (what an impact) gets rid of two opponents, gives an assist for Makoumbou who leaves Kastrati no way out in the area. The Domus is delirious: the changes thought up by Liverani are decisive, changing the game in the last thirty minutes.

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